Empty mailboxes
Daniel Miller
2014-09-15 05:00:13 UTC
This is driving me nuts.

I need to rebuild a server - got a notification the main drive is
failing, and it's been a year or two, so it's time. Got a new drive,
fresh install of Ubuntu Tantric, started installing everything needed.
Data stored on a RAID array - nicely available separate from the
boot/operation drive.

Did a fresh compile of Dovecot, copied over the configs from the old
drive, mounted the RAID...and...

Dovecot starts, authenticates users - and shows empty mailboxes. Nothing
shown. Full panic - reboot on old drive. All mails present. Change
back - no mail.

Executing "doveadm user -u username" seems to give valid results.
Mailbox location appears correct (using mdbox).

I setup uid/gid the same - I thought it was a rights issue but
everything looks correct.

What can I do to try to find the stupid mistake I'm making?
Odhiambo Washington
2014-09-15 05:06:47 UTC
Increase the logging level and see where the problem is.
Post by Daniel Miller
This is driving me nuts.
I need to rebuild a server - got a notification the main drive is failing,
and it's been a year or two, so it's time. Got a new drive, fresh install
of Ubuntu Tantric, started installing everything needed. Data stored on a
RAID array - nicely available separate from the boot/operation drive.
Did a fresh compile of Dovecot, copied over the configs from the old
drive, mounted the RAID...and...
Dovecot starts, authenticates users - and shows empty mailboxes. Nothing
shown. Full panic - reboot on old drive. All mails present. Change back
- no mail.
Executing "doveadm user -u username" seems to give valid results. Mailbox
location appears correct (using mdbox).
I setup uid/gid the same - I thought it was a rights issue but everything
looks correct.
What can I do to try to find the stupid mistake I'm making?
Best regards,
"I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."
Daniel Miller
2014-09-23 03:28:48 UTC
I set auth_debug=yes and mail_debug=yes. Comparing the log output -
other than the fact that the working server has additional lines for the
mailboxes found they look identical. No errors. Yet there's no mail
when booting the other drive.

I can see the mailboxes in the file path, everything appears mounted, I
don't see any rights issues. There's no errors. Yet I have no mail.

What's my next step? I can post log sections - they're kind of lengthy
and I don't see anything wrong in them anyway.
Post by Odhiambo Washington
Increase the logging level and see where the problem is.
Post by Daniel Miller
This is driving me nuts.
I need to rebuild a server - got a notification the main drive is failing,
and it's been a year or two, so it's time. Got a new drive, fresh install
of Ubuntu Tantric, started installing everything needed. Data stored on a
RAID array - nicely available separate from the boot/operation drive.
Did a fresh compile of Dovecot, copied over the configs from the old
drive, mounted the RAID...and...
Dovecot starts, authenticates users - and shows empty mailboxes. Nothing
shown. Full panic - reboot on old drive. All mails present. Change back
- no mail.
Executing "doveadm user -u username" seems to give valid results. Mailbox
location appears correct (using mdbox).
I setup uid/gid the same - I thought it was a rights issue but everything
looks correct.
What can I do to try to find the stupid mistake I'm making?
Steffen Kaiser
2014-09-23 06:38:55 UTC
I set auth_debug=yes and mail_debug=yes. Comparing the log output - other
than the fact that the working server has additional lines for the mailboxes
found they look identical. No errors. Yet there's no mail when booting the
other drive.
I can see the mailboxes in the file path, everything appears mounted, I don't
see any rights issues. There's no errors. Yet I have no mail.
post the log lines you get, when you manually login via telnet, e.g.:

telnet server 143
1 login user "password"
2 select INBOX
3 logout

and the output of the SELECT command, doveconf -n and the output of:

cd "to user's mailbox"
ls -al

- --
Steffen Kaiser
Daniel Miller
2014-09-24 06:11:03 UTC
Thank you!

Preparing these found the problem. And as I originally felt...it wasn't
Dovecot or the Dovecot config. Right around the "cd" and "pwd" commands
I realized...I store the mailboxes on my raid - and then have a link to
the raid under /var/mail. I didn't re-create that link in the new setup.

I KNEW it was going to be something simple, stupid, and totally my fault...

Hash: SHA1
I set auth_debug=yes and mail_debug=yes. Comparing the log output -
other than the fact that the working server has additional lines for
the mailboxes found they look identical. No errors. Yet there's no
mail when booting the other drive.
I can see the mailboxes in the file path, everything appears mounted,
I don't see any rights issues. There's no errors. Yet I have no mail.
telnet server 143
1 login user "password"
2 select INBOX
3 logout
cd "to user's mailbox"
ls -al
- -- Steffen Kaiser
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