doveadm with multiple instances on same machine(s)
Will Yardley
2014-09-19 00:04:13 UTC
Couple questions about running doveadm with multiple instances... I have
Dovecot 2.2.13 on RHEL6 running across 3 boxes, each with a director and
main instance running. When I try to lookup something on the main
instance (which is handling user auth) via its auth-userdb socket
directly, I get an error:

# doveadm auth lookup -a /var/run/dovecot-main/auth-userdb myuser
doveadm(root): Error: passdb lookup failed for myuser: Configured passdbs don't support crentials lookups

When I use the default lookup map, I just get the proxy settings that
are configured in the director instance's authdb.
# doveadm auth lookup myuser
passdb: myuser
user : myuser
proxy : y
nopassword: y

In addition,
"doveadm director map"

can't map the username -I get the error:
doveadm(root): Error: User listing returned failure
doveadm(root): Error: user listing failed
[then I get the whole list, but with <unknown> for each user]

The director itself doesn't have the LDAP passdb that the main dovecot
instance talks to, but I have, in the director config:

service doveadm {
inet_listener {
port = 8889
director_doveadm_port = 8889

local 192.168.x.x/24 {
doveadm_password = XXXXXX

doveadm_proxy_port = 8888

And in the main config:

service doveadm {
inet_listener {
port = 8888

local 192.168.x.x/24 {
doveadm_password = XXXXXXX ## same password as above
Teemu Huovila
2014-09-19 06:55:51 UTC
Post by Will Yardley
Couple questions about running doveadm with multiple instances... I have
Dovecot 2.2.13 on RHEL6 running across 3 boxes, each with a director and
main instance running. When I try to lookup something on the main
instance (which is handling user auth) via its auth-userdb socket
# doveadm auth lookup -a /var/run/dovecot-main/auth-userdb myuser
doveadm(root): Error: passdb lookup failed for myuser: Configured passdbs don't support crentials lookups
When I use the default lookup map, I just get the proxy settings that
are configured in the director instance's authdb.
# doveadm auth lookup myuser
passdb: myuser
user : myuser
proxy : y
nopassword: y
In addition,
"doveadm director map"
doveadm(root): Error: User listing returned failure
doveadm(root): Error: user listing failed
[then I get the whole list, but with <unknown> for each user]
Assuming your configuration is otherwise ok, I think this was fixed in
http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-2.2/rev/8b5664bce4a0 and
so it will be included in Dovecot 2.2.14
Post by Will Yardley
The director itself doesn't have the LDAP passdb that the main dovecot
service doveadm {
inet_listener {
port = 8889
director_doveadm_port = 8889
local 192.168.x.x/24 {
doveadm_password = XXXXXX
doveadm_proxy_port = 8888
In the 2.2 series you can write this as "doveadm_port", I think.

Teemu Huovila
Will Yardley
2014-09-22 20:50:48 UTC
Post by Teemu Huovila
Post by Will Yardley
director_doveadm_port = 8889
Post by Teemu Huovila
Post by Will Yardley
doveadm_proxy_port = 8888
In the 2.2 series you can write this as "doveadm_port", I think.
Thanks for the heads up.

FWIW, the system I have seems to make the translation, since I have
doveadm_proxy_port configured but doveconf returns:

# doveconf -i director doveadm_port
doveadm_port = 8888

# doveconf -i director doveadm_proxy_port
