how to solve : Dovecot version mismatch: Master is v2.1.7, lmtp is v2.2.13
Dave Myers
2014-09-22 10:32:51 UTC
Hello again dovecot list ;)

I've recently upgraded my dovecot version from 2.1.7 to 2.2.13.
both versions where installed from source.

I upgraded why attempting to get lmtp working. I ultimately just coped
the executable lmtp to the location that dovecot was expecting it to be
in. but then the above error appeared.

However when I get the info from dovecot I get the following...

$ dovecot -n
# 2.2.13: /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf

so there seems to be an issue somewhere.

I should note that I had copied my previous /conf.d/ files and then
copied them back after the update.

I guess that I have missed a switch during the build, or need to modify
a line in the config somewhere that tells what the version is, but that
doesn't explain why the dovecot -n returns the correct info, but the
error reports something different.

I am considering inserting the
config option, but where should I insert it ?

Thanks in advance.

+ 33 6 50 14 39 34

david.myers.24j74 at gmail.com

22 Rue de L'Eglise 77700 Coupvray.
Reindl Harald
2014-09-22 10:37:41 UTC
Post by Dave Myers
Hello again dovecot list ;)
I've recently upgraded my dovecot version from 2.1.7 to 2.2.13.
both versions where installed from source.
I upgraded why attempting to get lmtp working. I ultimately just coped the executable lmtp to the location that
dovecot was expecting it to be in. but then the above error appeared.
why do you copy files around?

if you update a software then make it complete and not
copy random files around - installing from source would
in general be better done by build packages because
they care about obsoleted files and so on
Post by Dave Myers
However when I get the info from dovecot I get the following...
$ dovecot -n
# 2.2.13: /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
so there seems to be an issue somewhere.
I should note that I had copied my previous /conf.d/ files and then copied them back after the update.
I guess that I have missed a switch during the build, or need to modify a line in the config somewhere that tells
what the version is, but that doesn't explain why the dovecot -n returns the correct info, but the error reports
something different.
I am considering inserting the
config option, but where should I insert it?
no, you should make sure that you have only one version installed
on your system and no old craft staying around

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David Myers
2014-09-22 11:44:29 UTC

I copied my conf.d folder as I deleted all the dovecot files in etc/dovecot
use/etc/dovecot etc ... ...

When I installed the new 2.2.13 version it didn't seem to want to put the
lmtp executable into the location that dovecot was expecting ? So I found
the file and copied it to where it was expected to be.

I then copied my old (backed up) conf.d bact to etc/dovecot/conf.d/
Performed a restart of dovecot, and got the above error.

Quite simple really. But where else does dovecot store files, so as I can
get all the errant files.

Post by Dave Myers
Post by Dave Myers
Hello again dovecot list ;)
I've recently upgraded my dovecot version from 2.1.7 to 2.2.13.
both versions where installed from source.
I upgraded why attempting to get lmtp working. I ultimately just coped
the executable lmtp to the location that
Post by Dave Myers
dovecot was expecting it to be in. but then the above error appeared.
why do you copy files around?
if you update a software then make it complete and not
copy random files around - installing from source would
in general be better done by build packages because
they care about obsoleted files and so on
Post by Dave Myers
However when I get the info from dovecot I get the following...
$ dovecot -n
# 2.2.13: /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
so there seems to be an issue somewhere.
I should note that I had copied my previous /conf.d/ files and then
copied them back after the update.
Post by Dave Myers
I guess that I have missed a switch during the build, or need to modify
a line in the config somewhere that tells
Post by Dave Myers
what the version is, but that doesn't explain why the dovecot -n returns
the correct info, but the error reports
Post by Dave Myers
something different.
I am considering inserting the
config option, but where should I insert it?
no, you should make sure that you have only one version installed
on your system and no old craft staying around
Reindl Harald
2014-09-22 11:53:07 UTC
Post by David Myers
I copied my conf.d folder as I deleted all the dovecot files in etc/dovecot
use/etc/dovecot etc ... ...
When I installed the new 2.2.13 version it didn't seem to want to put the
lmtp executable into the location that dovecot was expecting ? So I found
the file and copied it to where it was expected to be.
and there started your mistake

just test builds somewhere and realize if it comes to "so i found the
file and copied it" something went terrible wrong - that's why you
build usually *packages* - rpmbuild complains as long you have not
listed all files in the %files section or if there are listed ones
no longer built

for a clean upgrade you need to replace *every* file and
in doubt get rid of orphans - just build packages or use
a virtual machine with a snapshot to try as long you know
what lives where
Post by David Myers
I then copied my old (backed up) conf.d bact to etc/dovecot/conf.d/
Performed a restart of dovecot, and got the above error.
Quite simple really. But where else does dovecot store files, so as I can
get all the errant files.
Post by David Myers
Post by Dave Myers
Post by Dave Myers
Hello again dovecot list ;)
I've recently upgraded my dovecot version from 2.1.7 to 2.2.13.
both versions where installed from source.
I upgraded why attempting to get lmtp working. I ultimately just coped
the executable lmtp to the location that
Post by Dave Myers
dovecot was expecting it to be in. but then the above error appeared.
why do you copy files around?
if you update a software then make it complete and not
copy random files around - installing from source would
in general be better done by build packages because
they care about obsoleted files and so on
Post by Dave Myers
However when I get the info from dovecot I get the following...
$ dovecot -n
# 2.2.13: /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
so there seems to be an issue somewhere.
I should note that I had copied my previous /conf.d/ files and then
copied them back after the update.
Post by Dave Myers
I guess that I have missed a switch during the build, or need to modify
a line in the config somewhere that tells
Post by Dave Myers
what the version is, but that doesn't explain why the dovecot -n returns
the correct info, but the error reports
Post by Dave Myers
something different.
I am considering inserting the
config option, but where should I insert it?
no, you should make sure that you have only one version installed
on your system and no old craft staying around
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