dovecot 2.1 new imap folder permissions
Stefanos Gerangelos
2014-10-07 12:14:54 UTC

I hope this is the appropriate place to ask. I am migrating an old
mail (postfix/dovecot) server to a new one. Everything works much as
expected. I have a small obstacle though.

I use mbox format and the setup is pretty much simple.

Suppose a user's home directory is the following:
# ls -ld /home/foo
drwxr-xr-x 3 foo users 4096 Oct 4 13:28 foo

and the respective /var/mail:
# ls -ld /var/mail/foo
- -rw------- 1 foo mail 0 Oct 4 23:45 /var/mail/foo

In the old server when the user tried to create a new test imap folder
(from an imap client), then the newly created file would be:
# ls -l /home/foo/
- -rw------- 1 foo users 0 Oct 2 02:08 test

This is the desired behavior.

In the new dovecot 2.1 server the following file permissions will apply:
# ls -l /home/foo/
- -rw-r--r-- 1 foo users 0 Oct 2 02:08 test

I finally noticed that if I chmod the /home/foo to 711, then the new
file will have the desired (600) permissions. So, I can make a umask
for the new users (login.defs), but that doesn't sound a pretty solution.

Do you have anything else to suggest? If you need any .conf file, let
me know.

Thanks in advance!

- --Stefanos
